There are 45 murders per day in America. Considering that on the average month there are 30 days. That means there are 1350 murders per month. Which calculates to 492,750 murders per year. So in my 25 years of existence. There have been 12,318,750 murders in America. No matter what I go through in life I truly am blessed to have made it this far without being another statistic.
Its time that everyone in America realizes that we are all slaves in the fields put against each other as pawns being moved by a system that doesn't care about any of us. Whether you are a conservative liberal or republicrat. They could care less what happens to any of us as long as their pockets are full. While the nation suffers they sit on the high mountain smoking spanish stogies. Politicians have been feeding us lies since the inception of the democratic process. They always give empty promises to gain more support for their frivolous plans. Its called politics. Poli = many... Tics = blood suckers sucking the life out of lady liberty. They deceive through great means of deception. Take for instance the emancipation proclamation. It gave black people the false sense of freedom. Then came Jim Crow. The overshadowing vulture which held us down for many years. Marches and protest were given to bring him down and he eventually did fall. We Were set free of physical chains to be given 40 acres and a mule called welfare, crack and prison sentencing. Aint false freedom grand.
Politicians are vampires on the neck of lady liberty. As their teeth sink deeper and drink in more freedom from her veins. We the citizens of America. Her children, are left to feel the repercussions of her destruction. As she falls we fall. Their canine cuspids are called divide and conquer. That is the plan of action they use against us. They divide us and conquer our minds through means of manipulative lies and deception. This goes for not just us as citizens though. This goes for themselves also. Take a look at the conservative party. The infighting they are doing is destroying their leadership and base but yet they don't see they were pitted against each other as tools of the democratic leadership. The same way the democratic party have been pitted against each other in past years. So in a way its just a revolving door of tactics. You do it to us and a couple years down the line we do it to you.
Open your eyes America see the shadow tactics and deception put right before our faces. You may say what can I do about it. Well we can vote and bring awareness of whats going on to those who are still blinded by the smoke screens. Understand I don't know what is "right" but I do know I don't want to be "left" to clean up the mess behind anyone who done their job to the worst of their abilities. America open your eyes and put on your 3d glasses so you can see through the BS.
Politicians are vampires on the neck of lady liberty. As their teeth sink deeper and drink in more freedom from her veins. We the citizens of America. Her children, are left to feel the repercussions of her destruction. As she falls we fall. Their canine cuspids are called divide and conquer. That is the plan of action they use against us. They divide us and conquer our minds through means of manipulative lies and deception. This goes for not just us as citizens though. This goes for themselves also. Take a look at the conservative party. The infighting they are doing is destroying their leadership and base but yet they don't see they were pitted against each other as tools of the democratic leadership. The same way the democratic party have been pitted against each other in past years. So in a way its just a revolving door of tactics. You do it to us and a couple years down the line we do it to you.
Open your eyes America see the shadow tactics and deception put right before our faces. You may say what can I do about it. Well we can vote and bring awareness of whats going on to those who are still blinded by the smoke screens. Understand I don't know what is "right" but I do know I don't want to be "left" to clean up the mess behind anyone who done their job to the worst of their abilities. America open your eyes and put on your 3d glasses so you can see through the BS.
Pres. Barack Obama has chosen the former director of the Nation Zoo to be director of the Office of Personnel Management. I think it is a good pick considering the political climate of America. We have been acting like a bunch of animals and savages over politicians who care nothing about us.
President Obama picks national zoo director to oversee federal workforce
President Obama picks national zoo director to oversee federal workforce
1. Learn to speak to all of America. Stop using the US VS THEM rhetoric. It does nothing but push the undecided voter away. Don't cater to a select group. Don't speak down to people as if you are in a higher America. There is but one America. America includes the rich, poor, suburbs, urban sprawls and rolling plains. Touch all corners to get your views known.
2. Don't attack someone for their foreign ethnicity and push up someone who is afraid to embrace theirs. America is a melting pot of people from all corners of the world. During the 2008 election President Barack Obama had his loyalty of this country questioned. Based solely on his ethnicity and his name. Pres. Obama never shied away from his heritage. So why does Piyush "Bobby" Jindal shy away from his. Others may not but I see that as a solely political move to attract votes based on the fact when a voter looks at the ballet they will see Piyush as a foreign name. This could be a change the conservatives needs in itself. Stop the pushing of fear/hatred toward foreigners. Is that the reason why Mr. Jindal doesn't use his real name?
3.Understand that you don't know it all. Everyone is a economist, political pundit or political expert. Understand that in the grand scheme of things YOU DON'T KNOW JACK (circa 1995). We have too many couch potato geniuses in America.
4. Stop the infighting. The more you fight each other, your followers see you as weak. As the old saying goes. "Strike the head and the body shall follow". Your head is taking major hits, but those fist of fury are coming from its own body. The more Micheal Steele is pitted against Rush Limbaugh or Bobby Jindal. The more swollen your head gets and that's not from thinking highly of its self. The lumps are from the mammoth swings of its own hands.
2. Don't attack someone for their foreign ethnicity and push up someone who is afraid to embrace theirs. America is a melting pot of people from all corners of the world. During the 2008 election President Barack Obama had his loyalty of this country questioned. Based solely on his ethnicity and his name. Pres. Obama never shied away from his heritage. So why does Piyush "Bobby" Jindal shy away from his. Others may not but I see that as a solely political move to attract votes based on the fact when a voter looks at the ballet they will see Piyush as a foreign name. This could be a change the conservatives needs in itself. Stop the pushing of fear/hatred toward foreigners. Is that the reason why Mr. Jindal doesn't use his real name?
3.Understand that you don't know it all. Everyone is a economist, political pundit or political expert. Understand that in the grand scheme of things YOU DON'T KNOW JACK (circa 1995). We have too many couch potato geniuses in America.
4. Stop the infighting. The more you fight each other, your followers see you as weak. As the old saying goes. "Strike the head and the body shall follow". Your head is taking major hits, but those fist of fury are coming from its own body. The more Micheal Steele is pitted against Rush Limbaugh or Bobby Jindal. The more swollen your head gets and that's not from thinking highly of its self. The lumps are from the mammoth swings of its own hands.
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele apologized to Rush Limbaugh for comments he made about him Saturday night while as a guest on the DL Hughley show (watch video below). Come on, yet again someone is apologizing for stating how they really feel. Why apologize for how you feel. Once again I will say that as a man you should stand behind any statement that you make. A coward tucks his tail when pressure builds. A man stands behind his word. Your word is your bond and sword. Yes words can cut deep but understand that those words express the feelings of the speaker. Don't set aside how you feel based on how someone else will react.
Picture this:
A pristine 1979 Pontiac Trans Am (Smokey and the Bandit edition) racing down the financial highways. At 100 mph through the twisting and tight turns. Through mountaintops (good times) valleys and deep ravines (struggles). Imagine the Trans Am speeding through a valley and takes a wrong turn down a treacherous ravine. Then all of a sudden the gas meter hits E but there is no gas station for 30 miles ahead. There was a small refiling station about 2 miles back. The driver in the cockiness of his driving abilities, makes the rash decision of just waiting until the next station comes along. Now imagine this vehicle is the United States of America being driven by congress making irrational decisions. While we (America) are just putt putting along. Better yet thats how the GOP wants to do things (let's just wait and it will fix itself).
A pristine 1979 Pontiac Trans Am (Smokey and the Bandit edition) racing down the financial highways. At 100 mph through the twisting and tight turns. Through mountaintops (good times) valleys and deep ravines (struggles). Imagine the Trans Am speeding through a valley and takes a wrong turn down a treacherous ravine. Then all of a sudden the gas meter hits E but there is no gas station for 30 miles ahead. There was a small refiling station about 2 miles back. The driver in the cockiness of his driving abilities, makes the rash decision of just waiting until the next station comes along. Now imagine this vehicle is the United States of America being driven by congress making irrational decisions. While we (America) are just putt putting along. Better yet thats how the GOP wants to do things (let's just wait and it will fix itself).

To each his own on the feelings of the above picture. It just reminded me of the following video after I saw it. People should stop being so sensitive in America. America needs to grow a backbone. In the worlds of AG Eric Holder Americans are cowards when it comes to discussing race. The mayor who resigned because he emailed this is a coward too. Don't tuck your tail and run when things hit the fan. Stand behind what you believe. You believed your ignorant stereotypes so stand by them.

Why in this day and age does a man make mis-educated statements and instead of letting that man take fully responsibility for his actions. News programs and other media outlets try to place the blame on hip hop. Long before the days of hip hop, racist and sexist statements were being made in America. Have people forgotten the minstrel shows of the 20s and 30s. Do they not think that had a lasting impression on the minds of elder black people. Has America forgotten about segregation. That was enforced by the same government that is trying to inflict harm on innocent Muslims while searching for those few rotten apples in the barrel. The same government who inflicted reaganomics and who at one time was ran by Reagan who made the statement that there was no poverty in America. This is the same America ran by the same government who at one time told women they were useless processions of their husbands. But for some reason people have forgotten the harsh and dark past of America. If we forget that we are destine to repeat it and see a harsh and dark future.
Various forms of media have been birthed in America and in this family of outlets hip hop has become the black sheep or the red headed stepchild of sorts. For some reason unseen by my eyes hip hop is now the “Scapegoat” for all things wrong with America. The perfect example is the story that follows:
Cop Killer In NC May Have Listened To Pastor Troy Song Before Deadly Shootings
By Roman Wolfe
Date: 4/10/2007 4:50 pm
Officials in Charlotte, NC believe a man charged with killing two police officers may have been influenced by a song performed by rapper Pastor Troy titled "Murda Man."
Demeatrius Antonio Montgomery, 25, is charged with fatally shooting Officers Jeff Shelton, 35, and Sean Clark, 34, on Mar. 31 during a struggle outside of an apartment complex.
Montgomery was arrested after the shooting, charged with two counts of first-degree murder and may f ace the death penalty if convicted.
"Murda Man" is taken from Pastor Troy's 2005 album Face Off Part II.
The rapper disses fellow Atlanta rapper's Lil' Jon and Lil' Scrappy on the single, which features lyrics like:
I flex, I motherf***in ball better ask em/Catch a n***a talkin s**t and motherf***in blast em/Murda, m-u-r-d-a/I'm pumpin gats at whoever in the way/I'm back with gun play/Don't think they understand/But I don't think they wanna f**k with the murda man, murda man
Police claim Montgomery spent the day drinking brandy, smoking and believe that he listened to "Murda Man" shortly before killing both police officers.
Officers raided an apartment Friday (Apr. 6) in connection with the shootings, seeking more evidence, including the Pastor Troy CD that contains the "Murda Man" song that Montogomery allegedly listened to."It's a real tragedy for us, the officers, for the families, for the communities, that we've lost two in one incident," Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Chief Darrel Stephens said. (
It's hard for me to understand how an individual can be so influenced by a song to murder someone. If you are so closed minded that you can be influenced in that matter. Why can't you be influenced by song to do something positive. When people talk about hip hop or rap for that matter. They only talk about the negative aspect. There are many artist with a positive message that don't get heard because the powers that be would rather see black people in a negative light.
Lets take a look at BET aka black exploitation television. Which is owned by Via com who also owns MTV, MTV2, MTVU, Nickelodeon, Nick at Nite, TV Land, Noggin, VH 1, Spike TV, CMT, Comedy Central, Showtime and The Movie Channel. When Bob Johnson created the first black owned media outlet to be beamed in the living rooms of millions. I don't believe he had the vision of seeing it turn evolve into a channel giving exposure to so called reform drug dealers with videos of falling money and scadily clad girls. In an recent interview he stated that he had given rappers and record labels the opportunity to change whats seen on the station. He said they had the choice to change what they rap about and put in the videos. Well in response to that Mr Johnson. What about the little brother incident where you and your BET representatives said that Little Brother's music was too intelligent for black people. Are you trying to say that black people, matter fact your own people are too dumb to understand anything but tales of drug deals, murder and sex. BET is now an outlet used by its parent company Via com, to enforce the stereotypes of black people.
Via com also uses its other media outlets to enforce stereotypes. For instance the Flavor of Love show on VH 1. When I look at Flavor Flav, I can't help but see the painted face used in minstrel shows. He is the modern day version of Sambo. With his big glasses and his big clock draped around his necked he looks like a figure in black painted face acting in the ways of a clown. His show is riddled with stereotypes of black males and women of all races. It's has women plotting against each other for the affection of a so called reform crack addict who has fathered over 10 children out of wedlock. These women are cohersed to believe that they will get further in the competition through various sexual acts. Enforcing the beliefs of some small minded women that they must do the same in life in the business world to get ahead. It expresses the stereotype that black males are sex crazed fiends who do anything to get it. I believe that it was handed down from god that a man shall have one woman for him to call his wife. Not have a house of 20 something women competing for your affection by performing sexual acts.
I don't understand why America assumes all hip hop artist are a certain way. I myself am I artist. I also don't understand why does America complain about the subject matter of the material on the radio television stations and CDs but continue to support these media outlets and buy the CDs. You will listen to Young Jeezy or Rick Ross rap about slang white ,but won't listen to Little Brother rap about real life not embellishments of what you wish to be. I don't blame the artist for this though. I blame the record labels and parent companies of these outlets. There are a thousand emcees with deals rapping about sex guns and drugs. While there are thousands more with a positive message wishing to get heard.
America was built on racism and sexism. It was here before hip hop and it will be here until the end of time. Don't look for someone or something to blame the problem on. Take that time wasted forging war on hip hop and try to figure out way to fix the problem.
Posted by
Mr. Jones
Sunday, March 01, 2009
hip hop,
minstrel shows,

Posted by
Mr. Jones
Sunday, March 01, 2009
bobby jindal,
the young turks

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