Why do we need a public option? I thought we already had free health care, its called the free clinic. If the public option doesn't pass I hope they open up more free clinics. Where else would the club hopping one night standers and celebs go to get over that burning when they urinate. We all know that its the gift that keeps on giving. Maybe the government should of sent the Nigerian terrorist to one. He almost blew up a plane trying to get rid of his crab infestation.
I know everyone is tired of hearing about the whole Tiger Woods situation but you have no one to blame but Tiger. Who leaves a message for the mistress stating," Hi This is (insert name of cheater)". This guy deserves the big dummy of the year award. Coming in second is Chris Brown, followed by Sarah Palin. Which should be self explanatory.
Where is George Bush? He's becoming the second coming of Waldo. It's like he walked out the white house and disappeared. I heard if you cut out the lights and say his name 3 times, he will pop out of the same hole they found Saddam in.
We're going into 2010 and we still don't have flying cars. Maybe we should all take balloons boy's lead and build a weather balloon big enough to carry us. Oh I forgot balloon boy didn't fly any where. He was hiding in the attic. I think they should check that attic again. They might find Osama and Natalie Holloway stashed in there.
Was that really Michael Jackson's body in that casket. I bet he's really somewhere in the Caribbean moonwalking with Jimmy Hoffa and 2 pac.
The DC sniper mastermind finally got executed. The thing that still gets me is while everyone in America was looking for some backwoods conspiracy theory believing hillbilly in a white van. It turned out to be 2 black guys in a beat up Chevy caprice.
TI went to jail and got out in 7 months for having more guns than most police departments. I've seen people get more time for speeding tickets. He had a arsenal on ready. Well at least I know where I'm going when the zombies attack in 2010.
Everyone and their grandmother joined twitter. The greatest invention for stalkers since nightvision goggles and adult sized diapers
I'm sorry 2009 but I think 2010 is going to be the greatest of all time.