1. Learn to speak to all of America. Stop using the US VS THEM rhetoric. It does nothing but push the undecided voter away. Don't cater to a select group. Don't speak down to people as if you are in a higher America. There is but one America. America includes the rich, poor, suburbs, urban sprawls and rolling plains. Touch all corners to get your views known.

Don't attack someone for their foreign ethnicity and push up someone who is afraid to embrace theirs. America is a melting pot of people from all corners of the world. During the 2008 election President Barack Obama had his loyalty of this country questioned. Based solely on his ethnicity and his name. Pres. Obama never shied away from his heritage. So why does Piyush "Bobby" Jindal shy away from his. Others may not but I see that as a solely political move to attract votes based on the fact when a voter looks at the ballet they will see Piyush as a foreign name. This could be a change the conservatives needs in itself. Stop the pushing of fear/hatred toward foreigners. Is that the reason why Mr. Jindal doesn't use his real name?

3.Understand that you don't know it all. Everyone is a economist, political pundit or political expert. Understand that in the grand scheme of things YOU DON'T KNOW JACK (circa 1995). We have too many couch potato geniuses in America.

4. Stop the infighting. The more you fight each other, your followers see you as weak. As the old saying goes. "Strike the head and the body shall follow". Your head is taking major hits, but those fist of fury are coming from its own body. The more Micheal Steele is pitted against Rush Limbaugh or Bobby Jindal. The more swollen your head gets and that's not from thinking highly of its self. The lumps are from the mammoth swings of its own hands.


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