Yesterday the news blogger sphere was riddle with an uproar about Barack Obama forcing Chevy and Dodge out of Nascar. The main story linked to a page on car and Driver which clearly stated at the beginning of the article , "Happy April Fools Day and the following article is a joke". Now to take any of the article seriously after reading that statement is like taking anything that Rush Limbaugh says seriously. Oh I'm sorry the people who took it the article to heart are Rush Limbaugh listeners. I took it as pure entertainment to see proud conservative banner carriers crying over Chevy of all things leaving Nascar. Chevy and Nascar goes together like beer and hot wings. The two must co-exist. Whatever happen to having a sense of humor. Did humor die when Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Bernie Mac and other great comedians passed on. I guess so because some people got their "drawls" in a wad over the most ridiculous of pranks. Moving on...
What in the wide world of dumbness is going on with the economy. Yesterday local/state school districts began to get their share of the Economic Stimulus plan. Our great governor had recently made the statement that no teachers would lose their jobs because the money that would be coming in was more than enough to keep them. Well like with any politician I took half of what she said and through it out the window and figured the other half was all lies. And it was good thinking that I did because earlier this week it was announced that some of the teachers in our state will be let go because of the economy. Ding the bell rings and they are gone. Well Ms. Purdue what will you say now. Probably nothing because she doesn't care. None of the people in our state government cares about anything but their pockets being lined with money. One question comes to my mind though. Why do you never hear about anyone in school administration being fired or "let go". They make too much money to just sit around and argue about making more money. Their jobs is to work for the betterment of education for the kids. But I guess to them kids stands for Keeping "It" Damn Straight. "It" being their economic status.
to be continued
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