The Zombification of America

Close your eyes and imagine the smell of torches burning billowing through the air as a crowd of frantic townspeople march to the watch tower. A creature is standing on the balcony speaking loudly to the point of screaming. His words fall on deaf ears. The crowd is too worked up to hear his truthfulness and sincere cries. Pitchforks in hand they forge own. A priest in the crowd yells," Kill him. His wife must become a widow and and his children fatherless" . Another person yells," He's set forth to bring death and destruction to our country". The crowd is led by faux leaders who have placed themselves as demigods to the confused and easily coerced masses.

Now imagine on the other side of the watch tower there is a frantic crowd of people marching to help the creature. Just as confused and easily coerced as the other. But this crowd believes his words almost to point of worshiping him. They will fight till death to defend him. They counter every word of his attackers as if quoting from some deeply hidden slave manifesto. They believe hardheartedly that his coming was destined and he is a long forgotten dream personified.

Now what is this creature you may ask. Well he goes by many names buts lets call him Mr. Politician. Year in and year out around election time, we become enraged zombies hell bent on defending and verbally chastising politicians. Maybe this year we can take a hold of our sanity and understand that at the end of day politicians don't care about us or any of the problems we go through on a day to day basis. Do you really think Mr. Politician on the hill cares if you can afford health insurance or not? No, but he sure does care if you vote for him or not. So he/she will give you all the lip service they can to get that vote.

I really don't know what else to say so I guess have a great 2010 and don't fall for the enticements of the creatures on the hill.


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