1) The Newb- the guy who grew up with no guns in the home but in his adult age has come to the realization that he may need one for home protection. He doesn't know what to get , so he scans the tables looking for which one his wife says is the "cutest".
2) The Survivalist/Conspiracy Theorist- He there to buy up all the ammo and gun powder because he is the only one who knows that tomorrow is the end of world. He has learned through secret networks that tomorrow everyone other than him and his fellow NRA members are going to turn into government controlled zombies. He has a sleeping bag, tent and a lifetime of beef jerky in his truck. (btw I am a NRA member)
3) The Gangster- He there because of gun show loopholes some states have. He has brought his nerdy coworker along to provide the background info for straw purchases. He looks for the dirtiest and cheapest guns because he knows the seller is just trying to get rid of it, not make a huge profit.
4) The fed-He scans every passerby to make a mental note of who he may have to arrest after the show. He loves guns just like the next man but he can't put his badge down.
5) The Anti-He/She hates the very word gun. They venture out to gun shows to look for fuel to use against gun-owners. But for some reason they always buy a new rail additive for their AR. Yea I said that right. AR, they hate guns but managed to get the nerve to buy a pre-ban.
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