Dear News Anchor/talking head
It is time for you and your so called call to fame to part ways. Your nightly rants and raves about upcoming events that “only you” know about are starting to deteriorate the minds of lost American news followers. Some Americans have become nothing more than zombies speaking in some unknown tongue repeating your nightly anarchy manifesto. You have become nothing more than a shock jock calling hung-over play by play analysis of political games. Of course every once in a while you say something insightful but the rest is gibberish fueled by your idiocracies. Please let your legion of misguided followers understand that you are not some demigod sent to usher them into a world of political utopia. Help them understand that this is not the end of the world, they are not to drink the toxic kool-aid and no Haley’s comet is not a UFO sent for them to hitch a ride no matter if they do put on matching Adidas jogging suits. I am sure the network has someone ready and willing to replace you. They will come in with the same intentions as you had. To change the world as we know it, only to fall into the same routine as your follows have come to love. So I say bye bye. I hope you find a great career as a Walmart greeter or writing hallmark "funny" birthday cards.
Second Hand Politics
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