Audit every branch of the government…I want to see every receipt, tax return, everything…if they spent money on girl scout cookies I want to see how much of that bill went to the American people…I think it should be done every year and every American should get a copy of the results…Yes that would use a lot of tax payer money…so how about we just interrupt nightly television programs and broadcast a special televised power point presentation of the results…Better yet just have the results on the ballots during voting season. So then “voters” can’t complain about not seeing them.
Help the American public deeper understand that the government cant save your soul. Be proactive not reactive. Yes we have neighborhood watches but the neighborhood has to do more than watch. Observe and report to the authorities what you are seeing transpire. If the authorities won’t do anything about it then just allow the neighborhood to police itself.
Youth need to understand that they aren’t entitled to anything. Nobody owes you anything because of the suffering that your grandparents had to endure. They didn’t go through all that pain and strife for you to beg for a hand out.For you to feel like the world should be handed to you on a silver platter.
It’s time for some responsibility. Stop blaming your situation on everyone but yourself. It’s time for self initiative and for everyone to display some integrity
It’s time for us to be nation of Americans. No more of the division. Stop using code words to appeal to certain demographics. No more of the code wordage and anti slogans to disparage other Americans. E Pluribus Unum from out of many-one. We are one America. Which just happen to be made of people from all walks of life.
If we are to one day have universal health coverage then we need universal drug testing. If anyone receives any form of governmental help (funding, welfare, subsidiaries, etc) they should be required to be randomly drug tested. If you fail the drug test sorry bye bye no more government handouts for you. Along with the pop up drug test there will be pop up visits. It's time the people who really need help get it. If you are receiving food stamps but are driving a Hummer its time for you to stop leaching Uncle Sam. I know someone will say "well we don't have the funds for all that manpower". Well once Mr Hummer driver and all his leaching friends start getting cut off, the fund gates will open.
Posted by
Mr. Jones
Friday, March 26, 2010

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