Fighting Diabetes will be a series of blogs posted to bring this disease to the forefront of American Minds. I have had diabetes for going on 2 years now and everyday is a struggle to fight off the enemy within me.
September 9th 2009 the day I was diagnosed with having diabetes. That day remains as a scar I must face every time I wake up and look in the mirror. Not only because of unsettling news that was delivered to me, but because it could have been prevented. I have finally come to grips with having this disease and I will throw no crying parties for pity. As I like to say often,” I created this monster so I shall not whine.” That is a statement that all people who have diabetes should learn to say. We put ourselves into this position and we should fight to get ourselves out of it.
Cue the ring music, the fighters are entering the arena. In this corner we have the challenger. He has fought over 23.6 Million people it the US alone. He hits over 1.6 million new people every year. He fights all age groups and sizes. He knows no race. He fights both men and women. He goes by many names the blood, high sugar, the sugars, but he mainly goes by diabetes. The champion or champions I should say go by every name in the book. They come from all walks of life. They are men, women, and children, young and old. They fight courageously on a daily basis to keep the symptoms from the challenger at bay. They check their blood, take their medications and exercise to breakdown their opponent. I would like to introduce to you the Red Rebels. Red for the blood we check every day. Rebels just because that’s what we are. We rebel against this disease. We won’t sit down and let it take us out of this fight called life.
Tomorrow I will be posting the second part of this series; Round 1: Research
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