In our strive for perfection we must all recognize that we have flaws. Then we will wake up from this delusional mindset we are in. Perfection is nothing but a pipe dream set to the tune of failure. Live everyday like it is your last. Tomorrow is not promised.
I find it highly shameful that we as black people went from slaves on plantations to freedom fighters and revolutionaries then to addicts and statistics. We went from having thriving communities to neighborhoods filled with gun shops liquor stores and funeral homes. I don't know where I'm trying to go with this. Just getting a little tired of the self imprisonment in destructiion. Our communities have become nothing but exhibits of urban decay. Third worlds set off from the rest of America. It's 2011, we got to do better.
Just like in life offline, don't take criticism as hatred. If someone comments on how you look in your profile picture or they comment on something you posted take it as constructive criticism. It isn't hate to make a observation and comment on it. They maybe telling something that can help you online and in real life.
Why do we call the small mom and pop gas stations convenience stores? I see nothing convenient about having to look over my shoulder while trying to buy a pack a gum and a Gatorade. I shouldn't have to worry if the guy working the register is trying to steal my pin# as I put it in. There is nothing convenient about pumping your gas as fast as you can because there is a "lady of the night" crossing the street. Let's start calling these places what they are, scares shops. Because whatever crazy things you were thinking of doing during the day, these place scare those thoughts out of your mind. s/n Never tell the guy begging for change that you don't have any and then go in pay for you gas with cash. He's watching you. He's still standing out there, ready to pounce and you like a lion on his next meal.
When are gas prices going to go back to what they used to be? I ask myself that every time I'm standing there trying to hurry up and pump my gas before that "lady of the night" sees me. I think its time we find some alternative fuel sources. If tigerblood would make Charlie Sheen turn into the embodiment of WINNING, imagine what it would do to a car. I think it's time we start cloning tigers and drain them of all their blood supply (That was a joke for all you PETA members. Notice the line before about Charlie Sheen and go watch YouTube videos of his interviews to get the full scope of the tigerblood reference). But back to the subject at hand, gas prices are just"TOO DAMN HIGH"(Circa 2010 The Rent is too damn high political party). I don't completely agree with offshore drilling but I'm for anything that will keep me from spending all my money getting to and from work.
When is originality coming back to the hip hop industry? It seems that the industry today is controlled by two types of fan. Either its a preteen girl hooked on 80s hooks techno beats and dumb raps or a 20 something male who smokes weed all day and watches adult swim all night (No diss to adult swim. I'm a Family Guy and Robot Chicken addict). You know the guy that claims he only listens to the underground boom bap, walks around looking bumpy wearing Adidas with no laces and listening to the 5000 songs he has downloaded to his iPod. Its time for something new. Its time for someone to step outside the box and stop following trends.
When are gas prices going to go back to what they used to be? I ask myself that every time I'm standing there trying to hurry up and pump my gas before that "lady of the night" sees me. I think its time we find some alternative fuel sources. If tigerblood would make Charlie Sheen turn into the embodiment of WINNING, imagine what it would do to a car. I think it's time we start cloning tigers and drain them of all their blood supply (That was a joke for all you PETA members. Notice the line before about Charlie Sheen and go watch YouTube videos of his interviews to get the full scope of the tigerblood reference). But back to the subject at hand, gas prices are just"TOO DAMN HIGH"(Circa 2010 The Rent is too damn high political party). I don't completely agree with offshore drilling but I'm for anything that will keep me from spending all my money getting to and from work.
When is originality coming back to the hip hop industry? It seems that the industry today is controlled by two types of fan. Either its a preteen girl hooked on 80s hooks techno beats and dumb raps or a 20 something male who smokes weed all day and watches adult swim all night (No diss to adult swim. I'm a Family Guy and Robot Chicken addict). You know the guy that claims he only listens to the underground boom bap, walks around looking bumpy wearing Adidas with no laces and listening to the 5000 songs he has downloaded to his iPod. Its time for something new. Its time for someone to step outside the box and stop following trends.
How are you "so hood" when you live in gated golf course community? There are no "jump out boys" riding on golf carts by your mansion. There are no junkies creeping in the night past the 12th hole in search of a quick hit. So stop rapping as if you still live in that type of neighborhood. You watched a few hood classics ( South Central, Boyz N da Hood, Menace 2 Society, Scarface,etc) and all of sudden you are the real life OG Bobby Johnson, tattooed tears and all.

Those tattoos on your face make you nothing more than a walking minstrel show. Your a caricature of everything wrong in society. Our forefathers didn't fight for this. They didn't march for miles , get sprayed by water hoses and attack by dogs, for you to glamorize the heartache and destruction caused by street pharmaceuticals, gangs and prison. Do you think it was part of Huey Newtons plan to be the namesake of a song about smoking weed (Wiz Khalifa and Currency)? Do you think Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcom X are proud of what we have become. I know I can't completely make rappers the blunt of the questioning. The labels have a hand in the belittling of our ancestors. They much rather you put out songs that dumb down society than you put out songs of revolution ,songs that makes people think. The dumb downed individual is more likely to keep buying the trash than to wake up and question the system. WAKE UP AMERICA. WAKE UP WORLD.
I believe it’s time for a self revolution. When the black leaders of the past were killed our self awareness went away. The awareness that when someone looks at us or hears about us. What they are witnessing is not just an individual, but the entire black race. I know it shouldn’t be that way but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. What happened to the pride that we as a people once had. I still have that pride. Some may think because my wife is Caucasian that means I hate my culture. Well sorry for the bad news but I love my blackness, but I also understand that I’m not just a black man, I am a black American. Back to the subject at hand, what happened to the flourishing communities of the 50s and 60s? Don’t worry I’ll wait. Don’t be so quick to answer that question though. I already know what some of the responses would be. “The government helped filter drugs into black neighborhoods”, “welfare helped create the fatherless home”, or as Chris Rock says “A nigga’s favorite answer is I don’t know”. Truth of the matter is yes the government might of filtered drugs into black neighborhoods, but our fellow black "brothers" chose to take those drugs and sell death to their own people. That in turn created an atmosphere of death, destruction and streets flooded with gangs and prostitution. Yes the rules surrounding welfare might of helped create fatherless homes, but the black man as individual chose to step away. You can’t substitute a check for a father. The government can’t change those diapers, instill values in that child or teach him how to treat a woman. The last two are part of the problem today. Young black boys are growing with no values. No sense of this is my community. It is not my job to destroy but to build it up so it may be better for latter generations. We also have too many young black men who think its “cool” to just have sex with as many women as they can without thinking about the consequences. That woman could get pregnant (or something worst could happen) and with you running off to the next it does nothing but repeat the fatherless cycle. Treat your woman, girlfriend or wife as god treats the church. God will never leave the church alone and he is always there when the church calls on him. No matter what time, day or night. God does not degrade the church or beat the church down. He uplifts it as it uplifts him. He protects it by embracing its presents and love. What ever happen to the value of education? Too many black males embrace this “not knowing” lifestyle. They stand on the corner everyday watching life pass by while listening to songs by minstrels who shuckle and jive to keep them in their current dumbfounded mindstate. WAKE UP!!! For us to live and die on a corner or prison was never part of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. He and our forefathers marched for us to be able to sit in a classroom and have an equal playing field when it comes to education and employment. But it seems too many black males rather rot on a corner while their mind’s blows away in marijuana smoke. Some may think they have no dreams or aspirations, they do. They dream of being one those minstrels they listen to all day and night.Yes I called them minstrels. Most entertainers today are nothing, but caricatures of stereotypes. The are the embodiment of all things degrading but I guess thats how it goes when your all about the almighty dollar.
Sorry it got so long. Just had something to get off my mind.
Sorry it got so long. Just had something to get off my mind.
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