Those tattoos on your face make you nothing more than a walking minstrel show. Your a caricature of everything wrong in society. Our forefathers didn't fight for this. They didn't march for miles , get sprayed by water hoses and attack by dogs, for you to glamorize the heartache and destruction caused by street pharmaceuticals, gangs and prison. Do you think it was part of Huey Newtons plan to be the namesake of a song about smoking weed (Wiz Khalifa and Currency)? Do you think Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcom X are proud of what we have become. I know I can't completely make rappers the blunt of the questioning. The labels have a hand in the belittling of our ancestors. They much rather you put out songs that dumb down society than you put out songs of revolution ,songs that makes people think. The dumb downed individual is more likely to keep buying the trash than to wake up and question the system. WAKE UP AMERICA. WAKE UP WORLD.
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